We are currently accepting submissions for our Fall 2018, "Tawanda Cook book scholarship." Each scholarship receipent will receive a one thousand dollar award.  Awards will be dispersed the first week of the recipients semester. The deadline for the first round of scholarship submissions is August is 20th, 2018. Applicant requirements are listed below, please email scholars@thehouseofbundles.com . 

  • Must be a woman
  • Must attend a 2 year college or 4 year university. ( Please list the school you attend in your email & expected graduation date )
  • Must be consider a Undergraduate Student and enrolled full time. 
  • 2 page essay required. In the essay tell us about yourself and your future endeavors. ( Please include your current major, majors or minors. Also list your location and contact information) 
  • Must have at least a 2.0 GPA 

*All information will be verified when and if selected. 

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City name,
Postal Code,
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United States

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